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What is the installation height of the shower head?
Addtime: 2022-04-24

Today, Xiaobian, the shower supplier, RALLEN, will come to tell you how high the installation height of the shower head is. Hope to help you.

1. The installation height of the shower head is generally about 2.1--2.2 meters for the shower head, and the distance between the shower head and the head of the human body is about 40 cm. It is inconvenient to use if it is too close, and it is easy to touch the shower head. If it is too far, the water temperature will decrease and the hot water will be wasted. (The water temperature of the shower head sprays from the nozzle and drops 3-5 degrees to the ground) It can also be adjusted according to the height of the family.

The height difference of the family is relatively large, you can buy a shower with a lifting function and adjust it according to the height. Generally, the water inlet of the exposed shower is about 0.9-1.1 meters away from the ground. The height of the concealed shower is the same as that of the exposed one, but the water pipe is pre-buried in the wall.

shower head

2. The style of the shower is basically the same, but some small changes are made locally. The most important thing is the material, which is generally made of metal and plastic. The faucet is made of alloy, copper, and copper. The aqueduct is generally plastic, but also stainless steel and copper. The faucet (mixing valve) is the key point, choose a better material, and the switch is smooth.

The other is the nozzle. The function of the nozzle is to disperse the water. Choose stainless steel, copper is better, and plastic is easy to deform and block. Some showers are actually glued to the shower, and under the action of long-term immersion in water, the glue will fall off.

The shower has been used for a long time, and it is easy to change the water output to a small amount. Most of them are caused by blockage of the pipeline and the blockage of the shower nozzle, mainly due to scale and some impurities.

3. Pay attention to the spare parts of the shower when choosing, carefully observe the material and workmanship, don't be confused by the coating on the surface, see the chrome coating and think it is metal. The shower sprays water evenly and has a large area.

In addition, the reserved water inlet of the shower head is about 15-20 cm apart. It is recommended to be flush with the tile wall, which is better to install. Later adjustments can be made through the elbow. The adjustment direction is up, down, left and right.

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